Found this place via Yelp, decided to go get mani/pedi after successful wedding dress shopping at Strut. Yelp didn't let me down, this was a great little salon. We went without an appt at 6:15 (they close at 7) and they took my sister and I in no problem and were very sweet. Luxury pedi was really nice, massage coulda had more pressure but they made up for that with the best callous treatment I've ever had. My feet are insanely smooth, she really did a great job.
The shellac mani ran into problems however because my thumb wouldn't cooperate and she had to redo it three times. After the first time I told her to just leave it- there was like a little air bubble and it was past closing and I felt bad. But she wanted to do it perfect so she redid it till it was. Even though I would have accepted having one thumb nail polish looking a bit off I'm glad she wanted to fix it cause it took the pressure off me. I think my one regret is not having more money to tip (it's cash only). I gave a nice tip, but wanted to over do it a bit cause she was so good.