Two Punch Tuesdays....meaning you will get 2 punches on your card and when you get all 8 you get a freebee. Golden Spoon is close to home and with that said is one of the reasons I come here. I'm actually surprised that this place hasn't changed its format being that the trend for frozen yogurt shops is the "weigh by ounce" but they hold true to their way of doing things. I hope that doing so will eventually pay off but to be honest I would prefer the other places. =( Just sayin. I like to pile high whatever topping I want-its fun-your in control of your own added calories. haha Anyways GS charges you a flat price with toppings being 50 cents each. Its cheap still. Its close and we will definitely be back. I actually had someone rave about their new flavor Salted Caramel. It was delish. Anyways, place is clean, staff is always nice....just enough to keep you coming back for more.