Well I would probably give it more stars if my son hadn't slipped and landed on one of the metal poles only covered by a pad. I don't think it is their fault but that didn't stop me from being upset about it.... That's my baby, yo. When he hurts, I hurt.
Lucky there weren't a lot of kids here on this day. Some of the reviews I have read make the people that come here sound like total douche canoes. Suck it dude that was flipping all around. It's a kids place. Get over yourself.
Anyway the staff was super annoyingly pushy when my son fell. I wasn't going to sue unless it was majorly serious. It wasn't. He's a kid. They fall. The get back up and they are fine. Praise God.
Yeah I think I would go back but only if I were going to jump too. I don't think I would trust the staff to watch my kid. But, there are very few people I trust to watch him anyway. Much less in a hazard hole like this...