Blah. Hate writing this. Went in for my first colonic, and ended up in the ER 24 hours later with severe abdominal cramping, bloating, diarrhea.
What I had was severe bacterial issues and was severely dehydrated (I drink well over 110 ounces a day so I never thought this would be different). I was given zero information on what to eat or drink beforehand, nor was given zero info on what to eat or drink after. The front desk just said "just eat clean you'll be fine". I was never questioned about my previous GI issues, although I wrote it on my intake form and let the woman know I had bad issues with SIBO and bacterial overgrowth. I guess with these they are not supposed to allow you to do a colonic without a doctors note, but they said no word about one. You are also supposed to take electrolytes, special probiotics, and are supposed to avoid certain foods -- none of that was ever discussed with me.
Thank God we caught it quickly. I will not be going back to their facility as this was pure negligence -- this is a medical procedure, and they need to remember you can severely hurt a patient if you do not give them proper information.