Dr. Lirtzman and his staff gave us back our puppy Pepper! We adopted our mini Australian cattle dog when she was about 4 months old. When she was 7 months old she started limping with her right rear leg. We took her to our normal vet and after X-rays they could not make a determination at the cause for her lameness. Our vet referred us to Dr. Lirtzman. After detailed X-rays, ASG was able to quickly determine the issue which was a fractured hip/ball joint (probably congenital). We had a lengthy consultation with Dr. Lirtzman who took the time to show us the X-rays and explained, in detail, our options for Pepper.
We opted for the THR (total hip replacement ) which included a micro titanium hip. ASG was totally flexible with scheduling and follow up visits. The staff was friendly and referred to Pepper by name on all visits. It was comforting to be able to watch the actual procedure online.
It has been 12 weeks post surgery and Pepper is running, jumping and playing as if she never had an issue with her hip.
We couldn't be happier with the results and with communications both pre and post surgery. We have had numerous phone conversations with Dr. Lirtzman close to 30 minutes each time. We never felt like Dr. Lirtzman was rushing the conversation. He was happy to answer any questions about our girl.