| - As weak and small as the drinks are at this bar, I'm not sure why they haven't replaced the chairs with motorized scooter parking. Took a break from craps recently, decided to plug some small bills into the video poker machine to get what I had hoped would be a stronger drink than what comes around to the tables, slowly. After five minutes or more, when my poker play had already gone past $20 down, bartender finally acknowledges me, I ask for a drink, and am told I haven't played enough yet.
So, first tip, you probably won't even be acknowledged if you haven't plugged away long enough for your poker machine light to turn green.
Second tip, apparently the Caesars properties' bar machines are as stingy on the first drink as they are on subsequent. I mean I get it that you don't want patrons plugging in a dollar to get a drink and then they walk off, but it should be much more aggressive on the first drink if a specific amount of play has already occurred; you'd think $20 would qualify for that, and then if I back off or leave after that, sure, don't give me a second drink.
At this point the bartender's advice was that if I played a few max bet hands ($4 on this machine) it would probably go green immediately. I said how about I just buy the drink so I can stop wasting money on this thing. What I got back was a $2 drink with an $8 bill; weak and small.
So, I learned a $28 lesson; don't waste your time at this bar.