| - Yup, will never go back to this place. Reserved two non-smoking rooms. Walk into the lobby, place reeks of smoke. Being a casino in Las Vegas, I do realize that it will smell of smoke, this place was wayyyyyyy past smelling like smoke. Being a newer building, their ventilation system should be on point.
Get to the front desk.
Me-HiI have reservation for Max ""
EastSide- We have your room for two queens, may I see your card and ID please.
Me- They are non smoking correct?
EastSide- All we have left are smoking room, it's a first come first serve basis.
Me- But I reserved the room online, from your website.
Eastside- I am sorry all we have is smoking.
Me- May I go up to the room, and see how stinky it is. I don't want to be stuck in a stinky smoking room for 3 days.
Eastside- The only way we can let you in the room, is if you finish checking in.
Me- Is there any other non smoking rooms available in the hotel, I don't care if it's more expensive or cheaper I don't want to be stuck in a room that reeks like ciggerettes.
ES- (Gets on phone with manager) There are no other rooms available.
Me- Ok cancel my reservation, I will find somewhere else.
Es- (back on phone with gm) If you cancel your room, we will have to charge you for tonight because you did not cancel your reservation within 48 hours.
Me- That's fine, I'll dispute the credit card charges. You gave my non smoking room away that I reserved, and the only things available are smoking rooms. I am not going to stay in a smoking room at this hotel that reeks like ciggs.
Es- (manger calls front desk) We have found a room for you. It's on the third floor which is non smoking it's not facing the strip though.
Me- @#$% fine I'll take it.
Get to the third floor, the floor reeks of smoke. Room smelt better for the most part, did have hints of cigarettes.
Now I know that the cigg smokers are going to be like F that guy what did he expect coming to vegas. A lot of you don't realize how bad that stuff stinks. And I did expect the casino to stink, but not the whole damn hotel.
I will not be back. Mainly on how I was treated by the front desk. I mean really.... You won't even let me go check out a room to see how bad it smells after you sell the room I had booked and then you miraculously find a non smoking room after I threaten to dispute my credit card if you charge. /end rant