It's difficult to be objective when it's your pet involved so reviews can range from great to awful depending on how your furry creature fared with the veterinarian services anywhere.
I write this objectively having used this venue for 2 years now for three cats, all senior-aged at this posting. Treatments have ranged from the normal wellness visits to teeth extractions, and diagnoses of hypothyroidism and cancer.
I recommend Dr. Oster as the vet of choice at this venue and the 5 stars is for her service and not other veterinarians here. While she has what many consider a tough demeanor, I do believe she is forthright on any care she gives my pets. I often find myself asking her "If it were your pet, what would you do?" and I get honest, direct answers, no sugar-coating. I happen to like this style but If I were distraught and in tears over the potential outcome, I may cringe and wish like heck there was some sugar-coating. As it is, her job is to offer the best care while also giving me full knowledge in advance of the cost and potential outcome so that I, the pet owner, can make a fully informed decision.
I don't think I could do better for the care of my pets.