To make a long story short - great everything! Great service, great menu, great drinks, great fresh daily mozzarella, great decor, great location.... and the list goes on. We had a large party of 10 and we loved where we were seated.
You know how you go to dimly lit restaurants and the older people in your party can't ever read the menu?! Welp, no problem here because the menu is digital! Fancy!
I dare say that you will not go wrong with anything you order. Everyone in my party was ecstatic with their meal and raved about it. I had the most divine braised short rib pasta! I still dream about it. The drinks are great as well.
It's well worth it. I paid for my date and I believe for the two of us ,it was only $200 with drinks. The dirty martini is excellent and I got some sort of pear basil drink that was delicious. Next time wine for sure because the gentleman sitting across from me said it was delicious with his steak. I tried both and he was absolutely right. Can't wait to go back!!