| - Amsterdam was the first gay bar in Phoenix that I had the courage to enter, and I'm glad it was my choice. As stated in several other reviews, it really is one of the classer bars in Phoenix, in Arizona, arguably in America and maybe even the world. The tile design as you enter, the leather couches, the lighting, the faux corinthian pillars, the huge bar in the front room... all just really done well. Some of the clientele can be a bit bouzhy but honestly I find most people here to be quite friendly overall, you just can't assume someone will be a snob because they're well-dressed compared to other venues. The martinis are about the best I've had, and on Monday nights they're $5. I find myself overindulging every time I know I have a Tuesday off (which isn't that often).
I was dissapointed with the redesign. The back patio, which used to be mellow and upscale with tile floors, a fountain, and a chill vibe, came back to life last year with a 'beach' theme (in Phoenix?) consisting of tequila-bottle lights, a fake plastic shark, and a surfboard. Seriously, what the hell is that? Everyone I know makes fun of it. The dance floor is brightly lit, so that people are too self-conscious out there to use it until it's really late and they're really drunk. Seriously, guys... a $5 dimmer switch would improve that room tenfold.
Still, it's the best place to go in Phoenix at the beginning of the evening, on the weekends or on Monday nights. Tuesday through Thursday, don't waste your time. Two dead nights and a bad drag show take up the midweek. But for the nightlife in Phoenix on the weekends, it's the best there is.