This was actually a pretty cool airport to have a layover in. It was easy to navigate, had tons of speedy walk ways, many restaurant and coffee options, rocking chairs, and tons of helpful direction boards and staff.
While some of the ceilings were under repair and they put the massive Los Angeles flight in the smallest gate in the airport, I still really enjoyed my layovers here. I posted up at Starbucks once to get some work done - though I did have to use my Hot Spot as the WiFi was not connecting. I tried Jamba Juice another time and relaxed in the rocking chairs. And any bathroom I used seemed to be recently cleaned and filled with toilet paper.
Food in airports is always ridiculously priced, don't even get me started on that, but the Jamba Juice and Starbucks here seemed to be the most affordable options for what I was looking for (filling and healthier). I was bummed to see there was a Chic Fil A right after I finished eating.. Next time maybe!
Generally you don't choose where you layover but if Charlotte is one of your options I'd definitely recommend over one of the bigger east coast airport options for it's comfort, safety, size, and cleanliness.