Another decidedly mediocre experience I had at the Wynn last weekend. I know expecting a yummy breakfast out of a cafe is stupid. That being said, at $25 per person or so for an entree and some coffee I'd like it to taste at least as good as OPH or IHOP!
I started with a large mocha. It was weak, had hardly any mocha flavor, and definitely not worth the $6 or $7 they charge.
My husband and I shared a waffle and the french toast sandwich. The waffle was very blah. I really like the waffles at Waffle House, Roscoe's, and Bouchon to name a few. I think making a yummy waffle is possible - they don't all have to taste mediocre. These were just above eggos.
The french toast sandwich was a sloppy mess of awful. it was just eggs, meat and french toast thrown on a plate and no attempt to make a sandwich was visible. Each component was bad individually and when eaten in conjunction with one another. I was wishing for a McGriddle as I was downing this thing. Yup, that bad.
I would say breakfast here was like eating at a Marriot hotel cafe in a random city. A bit disappointing given the price point and the location at the Wynn. Next time we will walk over to Bouchon !!!