THIRD TRY ... I place my order and the lady working the grill yells over they ran out of chicken and its gunna be a long wait to cook more. What a friggin joke. Three times Ive been here and ALL THREE TIMES they are out of food. This place is literally a friggin joke.
Gave this place yet another try and once again a fiasco. Came in at 8pm they told me they ran out of food, except for 2 chicken breasts. So I ordered those and then they gave to someone else. I waited and they told me another 15 mins. Absolutely rediculous. No management on site and employees running the place who are clueless.
Came in on 2/7/18. Like the blind leading the blind. Line is out the door (see pic). No employees know how to operate cash register. Line not moving so I walked out.