How can you hate a place that sells wall to wall booze? You can't!
I like having wine around the house anyways, but this time was different. I am having Thanksgiving dinner with a girlfriend of mine and shes a red wine drinker. I only have white wine in my house. So, off to Bevmo I went.
I have been to Bevmo before, just not this location. I had to drive through Tempe Marketplace, unfortunately, as the McClintock entrance was closed...I had to enter through Rio Salado. UGH! Why they had it all blocked off is beyond me.
Anyways, once I was in the store, everything was great. Bevmo is always so clean and organized! wall to wall wine and all kinds of other booze and booze accesories as well. I could just spend tons of money on nothing here.
I had some questions about red wine, and the guy who helped me was knowledgeable and paid attention to me. He asked a few questions, and led me to the section of where I should be to get the right kind.
Overall experience within the store itself was 5 stars.