A clean dive bar! Wow, this place is awesome. Yes, the Minty just called a dive bar awesome.
Why? Drinks are super cheap. And dear god, they have something called "ass juice." I suspect there's some sort of raspberry and vodka in it. Otherwise, don't ask.
We got there in time to watch some band play. They claimed to be from California. I thought they were from Santa Barbara adjacent looking at their hipster-college vibe.
I really had to go to the restroom so I made the gay boyfriend guard the men's room while I went in since it didn't have a lock. Otherwise, there's a ladies' room but it seemed to be perpetually occupied. The men's room was surprisingly clean which is why I giving this dive 4 stars.
The Double Down, Gipsy and Free Zone are all in an area called the Fruit Loop or the Gay Triangle.