Today was a cold and blustery day in fine YYC. Having to brave the blowing snow to run another errand and having intended to try this place out sooner, my partner and I decided this was a great day to splurge on a rich, high calorie take out food. Upon entering the building we found the interior to be very pleasing. It had a homey and folksy feel. There were some cool vintage pictures on the wall. The counter service was pleasant enough, if not overly friendly.
Why do I spend so much time telling you about my day and the decor? Even thinking about the two shockingly small boxes of vomit inducing, $20 worth of mush inside induces my gag reflex again and disappoints me so much. Recycling appeared to be important to them from the signs in the store, and that sure explains their portion size, as it means less garbage headed for the landfill. Especially in the face of how long we have waited to try this place. We ordered different kinds, they were both utterly disgusting. They both had unmelted curds and tasted probably a little better on the way up when body heat partially melted them. You will enjoy the taste of a big box fast food store much better, and I used to think that was poor quality poutine. Today, Big Cheese Poutinery lowered the bar for us significantly.