In the process of filing a formal complaint, for one the dispatcher started yelling at me simply for asking if a driver was on route, was told I had missed them and the driver attempted to call me. Simply not true and 5 minutes later the driver called telling me he was still stuck in traffic... Ok not a major problem but no reason to be yelled at. I'm waiting with my mother who had a stroke and is paralyzed on the left side and in a wheelchair. Now the kicker and why I'm going to go further than yelp. The driver attempted to drive off with out restraining my mothers wheel chair, he simply told me "she's secure enough" as he folded the ramp, when he went to close the passenger door on the van I stopped him realizing he felt her wheelchair brakes where enough. No restraints what so ever. After stopping him and having to secure the front of the chair myself and having stupid blind faith he was doing the same in the back, I only realized how wrong I was as when the ramp came back down once we arrived only one fastener was secured to the back of the chair. Now I'm not a physicist by any stretch by understand momentum and even in a slow speed accident or having to apply brakes in an emergency could have resulted in my mother losing her life since she has zero ability to brace and would have been tossed forward through her cab head first.
So in short this place needs not to operate in Vegas and the tax authority needs to do a better job just by the feedback on yelp alone.