| - I love trying weird foods.
The very mention of such an opportunity will make me pop up like a meerkat, alertly demanding to know the "Whats" and "Wheres" of such a possibility. Mind you, I'm not going to eat anything like sour cream and onion flavored crickets (which are quite horrifyingly real, and I saw a pack of some this week), but I'm pretty open.
Cue Lobster Me.
I love seafood quite a bit, and have been wanting to try this for months, but I started normally with their lobster bisque. Served in a bread bowl, and chock full of yummy lobster meat, I devoured it, and quickly. It was quite good.
Then came the "weird". Lobster ice cream. I know. Fish and ice cream. It doesn't sound like it would be a good combo. But it was actually very sweet with just a hint of a salty aftertaste. And there are decently sized chunks of lobster in the ice cream, but they aren't "fishy" or overwhelming in flavor.
Meal selections seem to be about $8-10 an item, so select a choice or two and go (sharing works, too). I want to try their lobster mac 'n' cheese next, and a few other menu choices.
Not a regular dining selection, but a returnable venue for me. The concept may not work for everyone, but I had fun trying something that made more than a few friends raise their eyebrows at me.