I will never go to The Cupcakery to fill my cupcake needs again. What a disappointment :( Lacking flavor & Terrible Service. You'd have to pay me to return. I wanted to love this place but I refuse to be treated so poorly when I'm paying 35.00 for a dozen cupcakes. Major bummer because the store decor was sweet and I thought upon walking in I discovered cupcake gold but it was like a mirage in the Nevada desert.
My story at the Cupcakery goes like this,
was super excited to get some cupcakes on my birthday this year (april 3rd). Went into and honestly was in a great mood, I asked the guy working the counter what he suggested for me to try...He mumbled"I don't know what you like...so just PICK something." mmmm I turned to my boyfriend both looking pretty puzzled. Shouldn't in order to work in a CUPCAKE store it be a requirement for you to appear happy even if you're faking it. COME ON! Anyways, I look around for a couple minutes, they had a decent selection maybe 15 or so flavors to choose from. I take a picture on my camera phone of the sign, and of a cupcake. At that moment, the same asshole came over and order me to "Quit taking pictures, you could be the competition trying to steal ideas." Sigh.
Got my cupcakes, probably took more pictures of them than I did eat them. What a shitty birthday experience!
Shame on you Cupcakery!