Lots of flights to and from Montreal get routed through this much larger hub, so I end up here on the semi-regular. I find it super confusing. It's so enormous (air-hangar high ceilings) and the signs telling you where to go seem to get lost in the wash of mega visual stimuli and I always get turned around. This is not something that happens to me in every big airport, even in Shanghai I found it fairly easy to follow signs to figure out where to be. I think it takes a special kind of designer to get these cues right, I don't think we do a great job of it in Montreal either tbh.
I also find it strange that if you are at Pearson for a layover you are forced out of the gate area and you have to do security and everything all over again. This must make for a lot of unnecessarily stressed out people, non?
On the upside, everyone who I've ever dealt with who worked here was super kind, and conscientiously bilingual, and able to deal with passenger panic/rage with a gentleness and a sense of humour that I wholeheartedly admire. 5 stars for those guys.