There is always the million dollar question, Home Depot or Lowes? For me, they are basically the same. But, I'll give Lowes the slight edge over HD. Why? Not because I say so, even though that could qualify as a response. It's because I like the atmosphere more.
Lowes has more of a friendlier vibe than HD. I like the bright lights and I feel as though it is much better organized.
The selection is also a lot better here. They carry a lot more higher quality goods than HD. Price wise, they are about the same.
But both places share the same flaws. They are understaffed and trying to find someone to help you can become a big pain in the "you know what" butt. Butts. Buttsesesses. But I digress.
Butts. So I will continue to shop here because I can. And no one puts baby in the corner. Except for that person. You know who I'm talking about baby corner person, personerer!