| - Beware Buyers Remorse!
Visited Living Spaces in Glendale Arizona, knowing we needed a good quality bed, to help my husband who has numerous physical ailments (back, knees, hips, etc). We worked with Charlie, and he convinced us to purchase the Copper Hybrid medium mattress with the revive 6000 Head and Foot Adjustable Base. During the purchase free set up and same day delivery was promised, along with old bed disposal. This all made sense, and we were quite excited. The checkout process was seamless, and we were quite pleased with Tatum.
The difficulty started at delivery. The delivery team was scheduled to be there between 6pm and midnight. They did call early and informed us they were on their way. They arrived earlier than expected so we were quite pleased. The team of two were friendly and quick. And that maybe where the problem lay. They were eager to get in and out. First, they started to leave, and we gave them a tip ($10 each). We then asked if they could show us how to use the remote, which they fumbled around with, pushed a couple buttons, without anything really happening but they did it so fast we were not following, then they dashed off.
First, we found out they did not take the old bed. So, my poor husband had to wrestle it out to the street in the dark. Thankfully it was gone by the following afternoon. Then we get in bed, and none of the adjustments are working properly. So, my husband gets under the bed to figure this out. Just so you understand, he is a big guy. He fixed what he could figure out that late at night, then we decided to look at it the next day.
Sunday, he studied the reference guide and got back under the bed to trouble shoot. After about 30 minutes of working with it, he felt there is something wrong with the foot control motor.
Monday morning came and I was immediately on the phone with Customer Service. The first call, I was told that my husband would have to be under the bed and work with the team to further trouble shoot. So in the middle of all that the line was disconnected when the CS rep was transferring the call. The second call, the CS rep told me to take pictures and send that them in for warranty. I did that and then found out it would be 5 to 7 days before anyone got back to me.
By Tuesday, when my husband got home, we started on the phone calls again. By then I was quite frustrated, and sounded like it. The more frustrated I got the sterner the CS Rep got with me. I was finally passed off onto another more senior manager CS Rep, and she told me someone would call me last night. After 8pm we still had no calls, and I had to get up the next morning quite early so went to bed.
We still have not been contacted, and we are still with a non-functioning bed. We are very unsure where to go from here, but I am very frustrated and have a huge amount of buys regret.