| - I'm coming in hear to get some Ear Plugs. I understand the staff working in a Gun Shop being a little suspicious of any customer they may be meeting for the first time and I want to make the best impression on the staff surrounded by this many weapons. Before entering I remove and leave in the car: my hoodie, camera and cell phone (anything that looks as though I may be concealing a large to medium sized weapon, I'm wearing 2008 skinny jeans (no room for an ankle holster here) and a t -shirt (I would have worn a plain one if I had thought about it (this one has a skull on it)! Even though I did not look like a person who should be going into a Gun Shop I wanted to look as normal as I could without wearing a disguise!
Collapsible Batons are illegal for civilians to carry, so forget about that!
Tazers - Cool Video! This may be the way to go if you do not want a "lethal" weapon! Check out this video!
Small hand guns are easily concealable and easily transportable, though a smaller lighter gun is going to "kick" more - Weight to a gun has a recoil advantage though a "carrying" disadvantage (weight) There are many factors to consider and the staff here is patient to answer questions and good about asking you questions to find the best "fit"! Guns may not be the best option for everyone!
Instruction at an "off-site" campus is offered so you can learn to properly handle your weapon! Instructional Programs are selected by skill level, so if you are a beginner you will be learning with others who may have never touched a Firearm!
If you are going to carry Pepper Spray you need to know it will probably get on you if you are spraying it outdoors even if there is no wind and indoors in a tight space it can be real bad!
Have you heard of the "crazies" who are only marginally affected by Tear Gas, Mace and Pepper Spray, Even the Police grade Combination of the three (with a 20 feet stream, even a entire Police sized can emptied on one person - First the Eyes, up the Nostrils, in the mouth and throat and last the crotch - It burns and in hot weather in burns much much more, it is painful I can tell you from experience... In 1995 I had a friend empty a whole CAN (Police Grade and Volume) on me for a College Group Demo - We had friends on the Police Force and they brought us the product they were using - the Police did not want to spray me though they volunteered to instruct my friend how to administer the Spray most effectively - First my friend gave me a little "taste" Face, Eyes and mouth, right away I could tell it was not going to deter, much less stop me! Our Police buddies instructed my friend to unload the entire can on me! Unfortunately the crowd got more than they expected (outdoor demo with a little wind)! It was hard for me to keep my eyes opened, it was painful though I demonstrated that I could still run around and talk and was not noticeably hindered by the pain and irritation of the intense burning sensation from the spray! It wore off completely in forty five minutes and I went to the Doctor for a minor eye infection and slight eye strain the next day or the day after that! It seems that you build a further resistance to the burning as I have stuck my fingers in my eyes after mincing hot peppers and sprayed "breath spray" in my eyes (by accident of course)!