I think 99% of America knows the menu at DA so I am basing the rating on service. Having a drive thru for ice cream and standard fast food is a novel idea IF the young kids working the drive thru actually paid attention to your order. The past four occasions I went thru the drive thru, my order was messed up. Before anyone passes judgement telling me to shorten my order, I'd like to add that it was one food item - ice cream. That's it. For example, peanut butter bash with twist ice cream. I received a peanut buster parfait with vanilla. Blizzard....twist ice cream, pb sauce, and oreos. I got heath bar pieces and caramel. Wtf! The most recent experience, I was with my parents so there were 3 items total. As I was saying peanut butter baaaa....the girl interrupted me telling me my total. I had to ask if she was ready for the next two items I needed at which point a "Huh?" Came into the speaker. For real? Followed by a sighhhhhh. I'm sorry, did I mess up your system by YOU not giving me a chance to speak? Disrespectful. Btw, that was the mixup with the pb bash/peanut buster parfait. Cold stone, and Rita's are great alternatives at this point.