Sitting here waiting for something that my Dr was told was ready and 'no big deal' and 'come on over'.
..eyeball roll...
Otherwise everyone is super nice.
Noticing the poor front desk gal juggling incoming calls and trying to call people that have had medications sit for a long period of time. They need to upgrade their systems a bit, there should be an auto dial that makes those calls for them, instead of having to place folks on hold so often. (My Dr's office was also on hold for a long time waiting for the to answer her question about having my med ready for pick up).
Oh. One more complaint. . The map thing they give to the Dr to give to me blows. It seems super descriptive until you get out here. How about telling me the name on the building? It's in a medical center of some sort. Their little block just names their pharmacy, so I figured a free-standing building.
Doh. That's what I get for assuming!