| - Holy moly this place is awesome! Quick, tasty and cheap? Yes, please!!
Choose your crust (I like multigrain), choose your sauce (angry tomato is my fave), pick a cheese (quatrro formaggi pleaseandthankyou) and then decide on alllllll the toppings. You can get one topping or twenty, matters not to the cashier. Your pizza creation is going to be $10 no matter what you tell the kind man behind the counter to throw on top.
My favorite toppings are meatballs, caramelized onions and mushrooms pre-bake. Once it's out of the oven, there are additional toppings available. On that side of things, I usually go with an oil drizzle, parmesan or asiago, arugula, sun dried tomatoes and prosciutto. Are you drooling yet?!?