The doctor I saw was Dr. Abdi I was extremely pleased with him and his staff. I had seen a different dentist in the past and was referred to an oral surgeon who would not accept my insurance and had difficulty finding one that would. I felt very discouraged at the time and wanted to give up on looking for a dentist that would actually perform the procedure in their office. When I found XO Dentistry I was a little skeptical on getting the run around again. I did my research and decided to go with Dr. Abedi. When I initially called their office they were extremely nice and the process of scheduling was very smooth. I was also happy to hear that they accepted my insurance. After getting my initial first appointment done Dr. Abedi explained that the procedure would be done by him there in the office. I did not have to get referred out to an oral surgeon because Dr. Abedi does the procedure there himself in their oral surgery room. I had four impacted wisdom teeth removed including an additional partial tooth. My procedure was extremely smooth and felt absolutely nothing during the procedure. When I got home I only had minor bleeding for a couple hours and minor discomfort. I returned to work the next morning for a 12 hour shift and only had a little swelling in my cheeks and very minimal pain. I only took ibuprofen and my antibiotic and was good to go. It is my 4th day out after the procedure and I feel great. I follow up in one week and will move on to getting Invisalign to correct the minor turning of my lower front teeth due to the pressure that my wisdom teeth caused. I am very excited and cannot wait :-)