You know how in the 90s you'd see these racial stereotypes of Korean convenience store owners? They couldn't speak English, they mark up prices beyond reason and they have their babies being nursed behind the counter? Well that stereotype is real and it's right here on Blue Diamond.
The owner here is that very image that 7-Eleven has worked years to reverse. 7-Eleven is now relatively affordable, have generous drink sizes and even have workers who smile. Whatever the company did behind the scenes worked because I don't go to 7-Eleven out of desperation, I go out of my way to get there because it's "not awful".
And now there this store. It smells like mold (disguised in Fabulouso fluid), slurpee machines aren't maintained, you can see grime in corners and the owners toddler is literally touching fonts and other perishables. They make up excuses to not accept the app coupons and they overcharge for refills.
I swear, this has to be 7-Elevens worst store and it's directly due to the ownership. So, if 7-Eleven doesn't have access to a time machine that would send this guy back to the 80's, they need to seriously consider revoking his franchise license.