Pretty decent place to get a nice massage. The prices are the bomb. You get a very good massage at a reasonable price. What they charge you in the casino is a major ripoff. If you are looking for a "spa casino experience," (high prices & faux decor), this is not the place for you. Think of it as more of a "massage clinic."
You go in, get a very good massage, and get out. That's how I like it. No fluff, no high prices.
This place is clean and the people giving you the massage are very attentive to your needs. Since you are face down most of the time, does your massage feel better if you are in one of those pretty casino spas? Heck no.
Reasonable price, best kept secret in town. Come here and save your money for food & drink. For those of you that rely on pictures of the SPA, all the pictures on their website are just decorations.
I believe in TRUTH IN ADVERTISING. It's no shame to advertise that you are set up like a massage clinic. They could get better ratings if they didn't use all those "fake" spa pictures on their website. Don't be embarrassed. You win on price, quality, and value.