Absolute scum of the earth! No coverage when traveling out of state. Visiting my sister in Massachusetts. Broke my wrist. Called HPON and was told only emergency room and "urgent care" provider visits are covered when out of state. So I was covered for the emergency room visit and given pain medication and a temporary splint and referred to a orthopedic specialist for a cast the next morning because it was a serious radial break. Because the orthopedic specialist was in a group practice--and not a "urgent care" provider--I was told it would not be covered. Was the cast for a severe break "urgent?" Of course--Any moron knows that. But not HPON! So,what is HPON's definition of a "urgent care" provider? No doubt, buried in the fine print of the policy, written by their army of lawyers, and probably so narrowly defined that it would be practically impossible to find such a provider. Legal? Of course. That's what the army of lawyers is for. Deceptive? Of course. Immoral? Obviously. I cannot imagine that Obama care would allow such a contract. Oh, and by the way--they accepted our premium for the month I am away, thank you very much. I am going to sue their pants off. If nothing else--for a refund of the premium for the month I am away. What other type of business could get away with taking a customer's money, and not provide the goods or services paid for due to a technicality? Even the phone and cable companies will adjust your bill for an outage period. I am not going to let them get away with this.