| - Really great place to shop for furniture - no pressure, no one following you around, unless you welcome their assistance while you shop. You will be greeted throughout your visit, but they will not follow you around, unless you need help or want to purchase. They have really nice furniture and great prices. The patio furniture is nice, but not as comfortable as other sets I have tried at the Dump or Sams Warehouse. They have a nice cafeteria there and restrooms throughout the warehouse. Two things to keep in mind: They will only hold your selection for 7 Days (7 day delivery policy), there's no negotiating, however, with those prices I didn't mind, your sales guy or woman only gets a 4% commission, so be nice to them, if your moving into a new home within that 7 days "always tell them you have your keys to the new home", if you tell them otherwise they will not schedule a delivery.