You know those stories when someone says they took their car to the shop and after they rcvd it back so many things started happening to it that were fine before? Well.. unfortunately that appears to be the case with my most recent interactions with Henderson Chevrolet.
I am inching towards the end of my warranty and I started having issues with going forward after I've backed up. (Think pulling out a parking space and then driving off). My car was stalling.
I took it to Henderson Chevy a couple weeks ago to have it diagnosed. They were unable to determine the cause of my issue but discovered I had faulty motor mounts-- they were covered under warranty so I let them fix it.
I get my car back later that evening. Everything seems ok. I work from home so I have the luxury of not having to drive much. The next afternoon I get in my car after it's been sitting and turn on my air. There is a loud, scary sounding noise (for lack of better words). So I turn it off and try it again. The noise stops but the air is hot.
I naively think it may need to be recharged (something I've heard of but never had to do before, this is my first new car).
I make an appt with firestone (because I have their CC and it's 0 interest) for an AC check. They determine I need a new hose/fittings and air condenser. It was leaking from both. I told the tech of the recent work Henderson Chevy did on my motor mounts and was told because the engine was suspended it may have gotten damaged while getting fixed at Chevy.
So I go straight to Henderson Chevy. I speak with the service manager Roger and his head tech. They review the findings from firestone and say they don't believe that to be the cause. But if it's something their tech caused, they would defiantly fix it. Roger notices my condenser is smashed and shows the head tech. They both say they don't know how that could occur unless it was bumped while it was out. They both say it's probably it's probably the rear evap core leaking. They insist a review of the car Monday or Tuesday (being that it was late Friday).
I bring the car back Monday morning. Roger has a tech look at the car immediately. They determine it's the rear evap core (not any of the things Firestone "over recommended" me for).
I was unable to complete the work at that time (quoted 1046.22). But I scramble up some dough and call back. They can't see me until Wednesday morning.
I bring the car back and work is completed. But I can't get the car until Thursday (couldn't make it by closing).
Pick up the car Thursday morning at 7am. By 5:55pm we are back to absolutely no cold air.
I brought the car back this morning (Friday) and now they say a hose was ALSO leaking. It wasn't leaking when diagnosed but after it had been running, started.
A few hours go by with no call. I call (it's my only car and throughout this I've had over $200 in a Lyft fees). My service provider is not around but someone else lets me know it's ready and there is an additional fee of $102.
(Update: I did not have to pay additional $102)
Is all of this coincidental? My air mysteriously breaks right after service, the assurance that firestone was completely wrong (for the lower priced service), paying $1077.95 for a rear evap core (now I'm wondering if it was ever needed) .
You couldn't pay me to go back. Sorry for the long vent but I have missed work going back and forth and been without a car due to pure incompetence.