The biggest tip for Last Chance is to go in with an open mind about what to buy. Inevitably, if you're looking for rainboots and remember seeing a ton the last time you were there, there won't be a single pair to be found when you return. This happened to me recently -- but, instead of the boots, I found an unopened package of Spanx (marked down from $36 to $7.97), olive-colored DKNY tights for $.97, and a pair of Hunter knee-high boot socks for $4.97 (for when I eventually do find the rain boots). I wasn't really looking for any of these finds, but couldn't resist. You just never know what will be there -- I saw one woman toting around three life-sized cardboard stand-ups of Twilight characters. Go with the flow, and don't get too focused on one particular brand or item.