I love love love Sun Cyclery! Absolute best bike shop in all of Phoenix. I bought my last two bikes from Sun. Larry, Joe, Adam, Allen, they're all great. They always help me find what I need. They have the best customer service in the world. I'm sure of it. Sometimes I visit them just to hang out and see what's new. That's how cool they are. I was in yesterday having my hub flipped from a single speed to a fixed gear. (Yes they teased me, yes it was playful and welcomed, haha!)
We live in the neighborhood and the guys are always happy to air up our tires and oil our chains. Plans in the works to get the boy a bigger bike for his birthday. They do layaway here so that's awesome. They buy and sell used bikes too! When you buy a bike from Sun they ask you to bring back your bike in a month or so, for your first (and complimentary) tune up (about a $40 value).
The shop has recently been renovated and looks beautiful with the wood paneling on the walls and the extra space. Huge selection of bikes in the shop and out back. Tell the guys what you're looking for and they'll be happy to make some suggestions, pull out bikes for you to try, and get you on the road with a beautiful new ride!
If you're in the market for a bicycle or just need a tuneup you should absolutely stop at Sun Cyclery. Say hello for me!