I do not like this place and I do not understand the rave reviews. The main reason for my displeasure is that the guy who makes the coffee seems to hate me. He radiates dissatisfaction when he sees me (which has happened all of two times).
The good:
- It's near the 7-11 where I use the bank machine
- It's always open
- There are a lot of baked goods availabe
The bad:
- The guy hates me (see above)
- I don't like their coffee
- They make a very traditional cappuccino with a LOT of foam... this might not be bad to you if you are a purist, but I am not. I really just want a small latte, and most places call that cappuccino.
- The apple cinnamon muffin I had last week wasn't great, but it LOOKED like it was going to be... so I was extra disappointed.
The weird-and-not-cool:
The door is really hard to open, and it opens awkwardly into the place. I always end up crashing into the room like a drunk elephant. Maybe that's why the guy gives off such bad juju when he sees me. Meh.
Will I go here again?
Not if I can avoid it. I would go to Red Rocket next time. I would have this time too if I had had more time.