Bellwoods has 2 basic functions that stem from their brewery... One side is the bottleshop that you can get beers to go. The other side is the brew pub which has their beers served in accompaniment of various foods. I've had a review draft saved for over a year as I wanted to do a full review, but since another summer passed where I didn't stay for my beer indulgence, I'm moving forward with a BOTTLESHOP ONLY REVIEW.
So, what can you expect?
Expect delicious beer, first of all. Bellwoods makes some of the best and most original craft beers you'll find in Toronto. All their beers have unique qualities and I've yet to have a beer that wasn't good. The bottle shop is open 11-11 every day and offers their tasty brews in 500ml bottles to go.
Bottles range from $4.50 to $13 depending on what is in stock. The rarer and more seasonal of the choice the higher it gets.
There are some more commonly found beers like Jutsu pale ale and Jelly King sour, but their more occasional brews like Witchshark IIPA, Farmageddon farmhouse ale, and this summers one off Mango IPA which steal the show. I'm not even really a porter fan but their Donkey Venom was one of the best I've ever had.
Since the selection does vary so much from one week to another, you'll want to check out their website as that they always list on their what's available. This is how I'm able to plan my monthly bottleshop trips based around what appeals to me.
Genuine 5 star beer, but I'm sticking to 4 stars based on how hard it can be to get some of their seasonals before it sells out, and the fact that you'll spend more per bottle than most other bottle shops in the city.