BUYER BEWARE! Before you consign you goods to this store think twice as they claim they are not responsible for your items if they get lost or stolen after you leave them there. I went to get 2 items out that they did not sell in the 90 days and 1 of the items could not be found int their store, (expensive Hudson jeans). After going from 2 employees they got the manager who rudely told me to bad, so sad, we are not responsible for anything that comes to our store. WHAT?? So if I bring in 20 items and 19 go missing too bad? She even said they have a lot of theft and there is nothing they can do. Thought this was the worst customer service of any company I have ever heard of. I would rather go to Name Brand Exchange where you get money for your clothing right on the spot and things do not go "missing". Just saying!