I came here on Friday night and it was sooo fun!! lol My boyfriend couldn't handle it though. It was too stuffy for him. We had the All Access Passes from Best of Vegas (which I recommend everyone getting because you can end up waiting in line for hours - and it's good for Tao Beach and Lavo as well) - With the wristbands we got in right away without having to wait in the huge line. I don't know how they expect to let everyone in because there were still so many people outside and yet SO MANY ALREADY INSIDE! Once when the crowd gets in, it's hard to breathe with very limited seating...
The music was great! Hip hop! We were totally getting our groove on. Drinks were $13 which is fine and everything, but the cups are tinnnyyyy... can a girl get an affordable buzz on? lol We left in the middle of the night and went to LAVO.
I prefer LAVO over Tao even though the decor is not as nice. However, the dance floor is bigger and it's not as crowded. You can actually break it down over there.