I only ever buy cat food here, I use a different vet but they are way across town and these guys are closer to my house.
The good:
- They sell my cat's brand of food (medi-cal weight control, if you must know)
- It's about 50c less expensive here than across town
- They get a delivery everyday so if I want a big bag, I just call them the day before and they order it (I never remember to do this)
The bad:
- They, along with every other place that sells this stupid food, are closed on Sundays, which is always when I run out of food. Like, without fail.
The funny:
- Once they tried to give me a free kitten with my fat cat food (and the obesity of my cat obviously indicates that I love him so much I want to give him everything he has ever dreamt of) but I'm a one cat per adult household so I had to politely decline.