| - **************UPDATE****************
After writing this review the general manager got in contact with me and everything was fixed IMMEDIATELY. I have never had a company so willing to fix a problem. Everything is taken care of now and the car is paid off. Thank you guys so much for making this right!
Wow... So, talk about avoidance. Let's start by saying, when I bought my car back in early 2014, everything was fine with this dealership. I had no major issues and things went about as smoothe as one could expect. Skip ahead to present day.
My car was totalled July of this year. Anyone who has been through this process knows how hard it can be getting all those ducks in a row. Well, GAP insurance notified this dealership in early November to cut Nissan finance a check and to cancel some service and warrenty packages. They have not. In fact, they have only cancelled one package for $266.00, that's about 20% (if I'm being generous) of what is owed from these packages. I have been calling them for OVER A MONTH regarding this issue specifically, trying to make sure it's been done. I have left messages with Dana, Allan, and the General Manager. Not once have I recieved a call back. I have left both my work and cell number. I live VERY far from this dealership and have been trying to resolve this over the phone, but apparently, unless you are MAKING them money, they do not care one bit. So, buyers beware. Things may be grand when you buy a vehicle from here, but they will rub major salt in the wound should something happen.