If you are all about the video games and can play for 2 hours straight then this is the place for you, especially with a 2 hour unlimited pass. I'm just not that guy.
I do love me some games and had a good time but after about 45 minutes I didn't know what to do with myself. I think the janky version of guitar hero called Guitar Freaks killed my will to live. I did like the shooting games and that one really cool jet fighter game. I almost ripped off my shirt and challenged AJ to a topless game of beach volleyball after a few successful bombing missions, 'cause that is what all gay fighter pilots do...right?
Plus, I had titties on the brain and there weren't any here being jiggled around. I mean there were but it would have been inappropriate for me to be seeing those titties, whereas titties at another location would be fine since they were being shown for money and all.