| - Worst experience EVER! I had been there before to get my nails done and the first time was quite good, but the second time was a hot mess. It looked like a five year old did my nails for me. I went home and took the polish off. But this is the kicker:
I couldn't get an appointment for highlights at my regular salon and this was close by, so I decided to give it a try (obviously the nail girl wouldn't be doing my hair). I went in and sat down the a woman with an Eastern European accent came to talk with me. I showed her a picture of what I wanted and she showed me various hair dye samples....none of which looked like my picture, but I always assume the hair dressers know what's best. Now, you're all thinking, "..and she did a poor job and you hated the colour..." right?
Nope, she told me she couldn't do my hair because I had lice! Of course I freaked out. Another hair dresser came over to see if I was alright and I was mortified. She asked if I had experienced any itching. I said no. This hairdresser turned back to the original hairdresser and asked if maybe it wasn't too bad yet, but original hairdresser said it was really, really bad. I freaked out and left (obviously without having anything done) and went to a Shoppers and bought lice shampoo. I went home and had my husband look at my hair. He looked and looked and could find nothing. I still didn't want to take chances, so we tore the house apart and washed and bagged everything and I went to a walk-in clinic. The doctor looked at my head and ALSO said there was nothing there!
Since I was paranoid, I still used the shampoo and anytime my head itched in the slightest I went to examine it. But even with my husband and mother looking at my head, we never found a single thing. We didn't even see dandruff!! I went to a hairdresser a week later and they told me my hair was beautiful...but dry at the ends...yeah, because of the chemical-filled lice shampoo! Thanks a lot you crazy woman!
So ultimately, I never had lice. I don't know if this woman just decided she didn't feel like doing my hair, or if she was delusional, but I sure won't be going back there EVER again. No one else should either, unless you want to risk being embarrassed and inconvenienced.