Absolutely horrible!! They patrol the community I live in. All they do is drive around and do nothing. I see shady people coming into my community or hopping over fences and these duds don't do anything to deter these individuals. Mainly because they are not paying attention. They are too busy texting or on their phones. The other day, I saw a security guy sitting at the pool texting for an hour! They also have an inferiority complex and think they are god's gift to the earth and/or security gods. They act like they are the police!! NEWS FLASH you are NOT THE POLICE! You do not have any of the same powers as the police and if you think you do, then you are acting as an authority figure under the color of law and boom our constitutional rights kick in! You cannot infringe on those rights. One idiot gave me a parking citation for not having a proper permit (allegedly) on my car. However the photo he took as "proof" didn't show the bottom left corner (if you're facing my car) of the windshield where our property management company has requested we display the permit. What an idiot. He also put on my citation that my license plate was from Nebraska instead of Nevada...NE v. NV. Come on!! Do you even know geography!? They do not do anything to deter crime or make the community any safer. What a waste of our HOA funds! I'd do a better job patrolling if it were my job.