I never get to the Keele and Bloor area, and frankly didn't know any dining establishments existed around here, so this was a nice revelation. I was with people that knew the owner and I was also drunk and got free drinks (not from owner; from friends) so I'll try to make this as unbiased as possible.
Fun. Friendly. I love the concept of this bar with the celebrity mugshots on the wall. It makes for a great icebreaker and conversation. It just adds to that "cool" vibe. I feel like this is an industry place, mainly because I was with industry people. LOL. I *think they do karaoke here. I feel like this is the type of place where the bar would burst out into song at any moment's notice. It was quite late and the bar was pretty packed. That's a good sign. I'm glad to see something like this and it makes me want to come over to this hood more often.
This was the same night as the aforementioned bad date (See: Jack Astors; See: The Piston). I was already an iced smirnoff vodka drink and two GTS in so let's have two more GTs please! They were quite strong and tasty.
I haven't had the food here. I feel like this is where the skewed ratings are coming from.
I liked the Susanne Sommers Mugshot (Really?! Yes). This place kind of reminds me of Cheers. And don't you want "everyone to know your name?"