el servicio es de lo peor, le pregunte a la mesera que tipo de queso usa para los guisquiel relleno y ella respondio que no sabia y le pedi que porfavor preguntara y respondio que era queso suizo primero no sabia y luego como por arte de magia ella ya lo sabia. mi amigo le pidio una carne asada y de forma sarcastica le pregunto si queria saber como se llamaba la carne. esa mesera es una irrespetuosa, holgazana con solo dos neuronas en su cabeza
the service is the worst, I asked the waitress what type of cheese she uses for the stuffed guisquiel and she answered that she did not know and asked her to please ask and she answered that it was Swiss cheese first she did not know and then as if by magic she already knew. My friend asked for a roast beef and sarcastically asked if he wanted to know what the meat was called. That waitress is a disrespectful, lazy woman with only two neurons in her head