I made an appointment to come here to have a cavity fixed that was causing me some pain. When I got there, the dental assistant spent 1.5 hours taking x-rays and examining my teeth. I really needed the cavity fixed and I had told them on the phone that's why I was coming in. Anyway, after wasting a lot of time, they told me I did have a cavity based on the x-rays (which I already knew). The dentist came in and spent all of 10 minutes with me. They wanted to do 15 different dental procedures on my teeth and charge me over $3000 (that's on top of what my insurance would cover) so I'd have to come back and do all of these procedures. I told the dental assistant that I wanted to hold off making my next cleaning appointment until the cavity was fixed. Then I spoke with the receptionist and she told me they couldn't fill my cavity until 8 days later. I was extremely frustrated at this point since I distinctly told them I needed it filled and that was why I came in. Then the receptionist was pushy and coerced me into making the next cleaning appointment despite me saying I wanted to wait. I left and felt extremely frustrated, concerned, and truly offended by the way they handled it. I decided to get a second opinion and I'm so glad that I did. I went to another dentist who fit me in that week, was able to fix the cavity that was bothering me, and informed that I did not need those 15 procedures but only needed 2. My advice, do not trust this dentist's office. They will try to make money on you by doing procedures that are not necessary, they will push you around and not listen to your concerns. Find a dentist you can trust because this is certainly not it.