Avoid. The ceiling tile above our table had black mold growing on it and the food walked the line between mediocre and bad. Horrendous french fries!
Ordered a salad with Greek Dressing. The dressing tasted of oil and nothing more.
Chicken Paprikash: It was ok. I had never had it before so can't compare it to anything, but it was not very flavorful.
Blackened Chicken Sandwich: Eh. The hunk of chicken was really thick and the seasoning had a slightly off taste to it.
French Fries: This is the cardinal sin. When you can't even make french fries right you need to shutter your doors and put in a little practice. The fries arrive looking delicious and dark like the fresh cut fries you'd get at a carnival. Then things went south fast. They were shockingly soft and soggy with oil. Some tasted like they weren't even fully cooked. We all know how addictive fries are and they have to be really bad for you to not eat them.
This place is gross, both the food and the restaurant itself. There are so many options nearby, don't even bother with Two Dad's Diner.