| - Tire Mart has THE BEST prices for tires in NLV, best customer service, and a great selection if you are willing to wait or come earlier in the day.
At first, I had a negative experience with them on the phone because when I called the first time to ask for a quote a woman asked if I could be put on hold, but after being on hold for 23 minutes without knowing whether they forgot about me I hung up and called back. The second time I called back someone hung up on me. I was fairly irritated at this point, and after calling a third time a man answered, apologized for it, and told me they were just busy, but he also told me yes, they had my tire size in stock. I decided to go after my classes were done.
I needed a pair of new tires because I got a puncture on my front driver's side and was running on a donut. It was a bit tough to find the place because there was no sign for them at the time, but in the industrial area of that street there are places to make turns easily at least, and there are signs on the store windows advertising tire brands.
For my "weird tire size" there are very few options available on-hand and so I waited a day to get them because I went to them so late that first day, around 4 pm. They quoted me a low price of $62/$75 (Nexen)/$112 (Continental) per tire for three different brands.
I asked to see the brand they had on hand that cost $62, and they took me through their air conditioned tire showroom to see it. It was tires galore in there, and smelled like new tires, which I liked. We had trouble finding the tire because of its unusual size, but eventually I saw it and was informed that this was the last one they had on-hand and they had to order them from their warehouse if I wanted two.
After deciding to go with the middle brand of Nexen, I also called around to see what others were offering for the same tire. Goodyear and Firestone nearby quoted me DOUBLE the price at $150, one of them actually quoted me $300 for ONE tire! WAY MORE THAN DOUBLE. They were also the ones who laughed and told me I had a "weird tire size".
I called Tire Mart and asked to take advantage of the 15% off military discount for which they needed to scan a copy of my family member's ID, and then paid for two so I could come by after work the next day to pick up the tires and get them installed. The associate at the front assured me that they would pick up my tires from the warehouse down the street first thing the next day and have them ready for me by 1 pm.
The next day before noon, I gave them a call to make sure the tires were there before I went, and they weren't. I was assured that it would only take 15 minutes for them to go pick them up. When we arrived back at the store and were waiting, there was a little mishap with the associates as to where I wanted the new tires to be. I was speaking with one associate, Cesar, at the time, about where the best placement of them should be and he told me the back because I had FWD, and my older tires which still had good tread should be at the front.
When we got the car half an hour later the new tires were in the front. I hate to be the person who has to come back in and cause them to do it again, but I had to. After that misunderstanding, it took another 15 minutes to get my tires on the right placement then I was ready to go.
As an added backup, I looked to see what had been done with my seemingly ok passenger side front tire because it wasn't in the car like I was expecting. Cesar was surprised and said they could bring it out for me to see, though customers don't usually care to keep the other one. I asked if I could see it and they rolled them through to me. After explaining which one had the puncture, I saw that the other which I wanted to keep had a nail in it! I couldn't believe I had been driving with a nail in my tire for who knows how long.
The tires were old anyway, and though the tread was still good Cesar explained to me that because they were from 2012 and had been sitting, I should ideally get a replacement for the old ones sometime in the upcoming year. He was very patient, and although it wasn't my first time buying tires for a car I appreciated the explanation.
When I go back for tires sometime after summer, I plan on going back to Tire Mart. They have earned my business, their employees are good people, and the value is unbeatable.