I like Fleming's. The food is very good with service and ambiance to match. However, our experience on Mothers' Day was disappointing. We had requested a table in the main dining room (for a party of seven.) When I found that we were being hustled to the closed off back room, I objected and we returned to the hostess stand. Mr. Jeff, one of several "suits" berated us for not accepting our assigned table. He was anything but gracious. We were finally seated in the virtually empty main dining room. The menu was fairly new and the print is light and small (bring your glasses.) I looked for my Sunday favorite, the prime rib special but it was nowhere to be found. Our server, Jim said that they had removed it from the menu. Big mistake!! The next outrageous mistake is serving a choice grade of filet mignon rather than prime which everyone expects from a high end restaurant. You are paying for prime but are served choice. I can buy choice grade steak at any supermarket. I made some phone calls on Monday and found that while Morton's too serves choice filet mignon, Dominick's, Preston's and Mastro's serve the prime grade that you are paying for. Until Fleming's bring back the Sunday prime rib special and serves up a prime grade filet mignon, I will spend my hard earned money where I get what I paid for.