| - Picture this: We arrive at the Unionville Go Train Station. A crisp wind whips at us. We scan the horizon. Buildings look sparse and far away. It might be sunny, but it is cold. It's a Sunday. A holiday Sunday. The doors to the station are locked.
Uh, Yelp? Please help us!
Picking the first Taxi listing, we take cover in the bus shelter, cross our fingers, hope for the best. Within five minutes, a taxi arrived. Standard service ensued, which was more than we expected. We were so impressed, we tested the service again, calling a few hours later. And within five minutes, there was a town car.
Okay, so the dispatcher didn't know the Markham business scene or even the names of the plazas, but if you have the street address, you are likely off to a good start. And their promptness? You gotta applaud that. If you are heading to Markham on a holiday weekend, without someone picking you up, well.... I'm guessing you'll take what you can get.